concept art: personal projects
Luxury Travels on an exoplanet with double moons | digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
In this section of my site you can find concept art that I’ve created over the course of my studies as well as during my career, up to this present day. I’ve had the opportunity to create concept art in the film industry and tv shows for environment design and moods, paint overs, colour keys, as well as character concept artwork. Unfortunately, as I created these in post production companies, they cannot be released publicly. In which case, you can view my personal concept art here. Some of these include short films, and personal series that I have started to keep practicing and fueling my creativity. Below is a slideshow that you can watch with most of my personal concept art, and you can also scroll down to see them: I have added in the scroll section some descriptions of each concept art. Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, the concept art I have created in the feature movie industry is not available for me to show publicly but you can view the matte paintings I have worked on by clicking on the MOVIE MAGIC tab here.
In my concept art workflow, I work closely with the client to ensure communication and quality work. Generally, the steps are as follows:
preliminary conversations about the idea
line sketches & greyscale sketch explorations to view ideas and options
based on 1-3 sketches from the last step, I create colour, mood and light explorations
based on a chosen colour/mood exploration, the final concept is created and delivered in high resolution

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Scroll down to see these digital matte paintings with descriptions as well as their corresponding videos which include digital matte painting breakdowns, as well as short films.
Sci Fi English Bay, Vancouver: concept in the “What If” series focusing on every day landscapes and putting them in different scenarios.
Luxury Travels on Exoplanets: Aerial Planet Hot Tub Spa
Aerial Hot Tub Spa: Concept Art created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her Exoplanet Luxury Travels Series. Imagine a planet that lives mainly above the clouds where you could relax in a spa, with nothing but an ocean of clouds to the horizon, vanilla pink skies, and magnificent double moons.
Aerial hot tub concept closeup of the large moon in the horizon
Aerial hot tub concept closeup of the couple in the hot tub
Original image used for Karlie’s digital matte painting of the aerial spa
Luxury Travels on Exoplanets: Double Moon Luxury Villa
Double Moon exoplanet luxury villa: digital matte painting concept as a part of the luxury travels on exoplanets project by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. Imagine being able to enjoy the sunset from this mountain side villa with views of the double moons?
Original image used to create the double moon luxury villa digital matte painting
Luxury Travels on Exoplanets: Exo Fishing
Exo Fishing: concept art by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her exoplanet luxury travel series. This planet is very similar to earth but with a whole different type of air molecules. You would have to wear a space suit as your lungs couldn’t handle the heaviness of the air- as well, this allows you protection from the intense heat of the double suns. Although it makes it hard to believe the nitrogen snow can up there on the snowy tops. Would you go fishing here?
Futuristic landscape concept at golden hour
Concept art by Karlie Carpentier Rosin of a futuristic landscape at golden hour
Pegasus Horses Concept Art
Concept art by Karlie Carpentier Rosin: three Pegasus horses seen in a valley at golden hour.
Original stock image with the original horse stock image over top before editing is done
Original base stock photo for the Pegasus horses concept
Luxury Travels on Exoplanets: circumbinary stoneside resort
Circumbinary Stoneside Resort: concept art as a part of the luxury travels on exoplanets environment design project by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. This concept is set on one of the moons of exoplanet Kepler 16-b which is known to be in orbit of a two star system called circumbinary system. Kepler 16-b is the first discovery of an exoplanet that orbits two stars and is located in the constellation Cygnus. Imagine being able to watch the double sunset while hanging out on a hammock or chilling in the stoneside hot tub? The luxury feeling is elevated as you watch the duo suns set with twinkle lights and champagne, while enjoying your private beach side residence, located on its own private island with sky rise stones.
Greyscale sketch of Circumbinary Stoneside Resort: concept as a part of the luxury travels on exoplanets project by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. This is the grey scale concept I created after waking up one morning imagining this landscape. Karlie started from this sketch to make the final image. As you can see, this is a very quick illustration just to get the general idea down and get the feel for what the composition will be.
Blue sunset concept- different mood exploration. Based on the idea that the sunsets are blue on Mars. Concept by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
A base image used for Karlie Carpentier Rosin’s digital matte painting
Greyscale concepts by Karlie Carpentier Rosin of multiple environment designs. Greyscale concepts such as these are created at an earlier phase of concept design to get multiple design styles and compositions. Then, moving into colour and mood.
Luxury Travels on Exoplanets: infinity pool in the clouds
Inifinity Pool Luxury Vacation: digital matte painting as a part of the luxury travels on exoplanets project by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. Imagine being in an infinity pool right up in the beautiful clouds!
Original image used to create the infinity pool in the clouds digital matte painting by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Gastown overgrown by nature
environment design: Valley of Kalhu Ralu Ruins
Valley of Kalhu Ralu Ruins : landscape concept art of a valley at sunset by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
concept for Republic of Kaar Lüidh
Republic of Kaar Lüidh: cityscape concept art of a futuristic city based in New York City created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Here is a video I created about Luxury Travels on exoplanets. I wanted to convey the idea of a promotional video for high end vacations on recently discovered exoplanets, and to imagine how we would advertise simply beautiful luxurious getaways in pristine and untouched environments. Some of the in between videos in my edit are borrowed for my personal project (created during my school year in VFX school). Digital matte painting, concepts, compositing and editing is done by me.
Luxury Travels on an exoplanet with double moons | digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her luxury travels on exoplanet project
Here is an edited version of the Luxury Travels on an exoplanet with double moons digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her luxury travels on exoplanet project.
Imagine if you could wake up on this planet and realize that the tilt of this planet is just so at this time of year that sunsets last almost all day (and 1 day here is like 3 for us!).
Here is a screen shot from another view of the short video on the Luxury Travels on an exoplanet with double moons digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her luxury travels on exoplanet project.
Here is a screen shot from another view of the short video on the Luxury Travels on an exoplanet with double moons digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her luxury travels on exoplanet project.
Greyscale concepts by Karlie Carpentier Rosin of multiple environment designs
The short in itself is a journey through various worlds some big some small, some fast and some slow with recurring pattern of sphere, circle, and loop. The look is stylized photorealistic rendering and the softwares used were manly Softimage, Maya, Nuke and Houdini. This short animated film was created by students at NAD in Montreal, Canada.
The matte paintings below are created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. To view the concepts that Karlie also made before creating these digital matte paintings, please view the CONCEPT ART tab here.
Digital Matte Painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of short film called Atmosphere created with a team of artists. Karlie was responsible to create the concept for this shot, as well as the whole digital matte painting.
Concept of an exoplanet for a matte painting in a group project called Atmosphere
Digital Matte Painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of short film called Atmosphere created with a team of artists. Karlie was responsible to create the concept for this shot, as well as the whole digital matte painting, and compositing.
Concept art for a view of an exoplanet with warmer hues by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Concept art for a view of an exoplanet with colder hues by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Digital Matte Painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of short film called Atmosphere created with a team of artists. Karlie was responsible to create the concept for this shot, as well as the whole digital matte painting, and compositing.
Concepts for various types of rocky landscapes and colour palettes to establish the look of the shot on an alien world | concept created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Concepts for layouts and rock formations on an alien world | concepts by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Jump to 3:38 to see specifically the digital matte paintings from Karlie.
Luxury Travels on Exoplanets: Aerial Planet Capital City
Aerial Capital City: digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of her exoplanet luxury travels series. Imagine a planet that lives above the clouds? This is what a hike in the park surrounding the capital city would look like. Breath in the fresh air
Main photos used for Karlie Carpentier Rosin’s aerial city capital digital matte painting
Digital matte painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin as a part of a project back in 2014. The task was to reimagine an old airport after a disaster. Karlie decided to place it at the top of mountains in a remote location.
Luxury Resort on Mars: concept as a part of Karlie’s Luxury Travels on exoplanet project- creating alien worlds that would be accessible for interstellar luxury travels
Colour study of a glacier concept by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Concept art of a floating island with a mansion for Greek God’s, namely Zeus. Created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Luxury Travels: concept art for one of the exoplanets that could potentially harbour luxury travels. A mansion on a world that has huge pyrites that are enhanced by architecture.
Concept of the exoplanet HD-40307-g viewed from space created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. According to NASA, the HD-40307 is an exoplanet that orbits a K-type star. It takes 197.8 days to complete one orbit of its star and its mass is 7.1 times Earth’s.
Concept of the exoplanet Kepler-22b viewed from space created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. Nasa exoplanets describes Kepler-22b as a super-Earth that could be covered in a super ocean, with 2.4 times Earth’s radius. It has a very intense tilt which would cause both the North and the South pole to alternatively be in sunlight and darkness for half a year each, continuously- as the planet circled its yellow dwarf star. It’s estimated that it would be around 15.5 degres Celcius on Kepler-22b.
Concept of the exoplanet Kepler-186f viewed from space created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin. Kepler-186f is the first discovered Earth-size planet orbiting a star in the habitable zone, found with NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. It’s located about 500 light years away from Earth, in the constellation Cygnus.
Arctic Auroras: concept by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Concept for Hogwarts reinvented: concept by Karlie Carpentier Rosin
Greyscale concept by Karlie Carpentier Rosin of waterfall landscape
Greyscale concept by Karlie Carpentier Rosin of a waterfall view