Bonjour! My name is Karlie, I'm a Digital Matte Painter & Concept Artist (Environment Design) with over 10 years of experience in the VFX Industry. I have strong artistic skills and knowledge of the fundamentals such as design, colour and composition, and am well versed in the technical side of matte painting as well, honing skills in 2.5D (Nuke) and basic knowledge of Maya to support the dmp process. I’m inspired by nature, light & colour amongst many things, and love working in a passionate environment. Originally from Montreal, I moved to Vancouver in 2015 and am currently located here. Throughout my career as a digital matte painter and concept artist, I’ve had the opportunity to work on multiple projects including VFX movies, TV shows and animated features. I’m originally a traditional painter, and discovered the digital art realm when studying Illustration & Design. In this curriculum, I discovered Matte Painting and fell in love. I went on to study Digital Graphics for the VFX industry at Centre NAD with a specialization in digital matte painting and compositing, and have been working as a Digital Matte Painter ever since my second year of university. Throughout my studies and my career, I have kept up with practicing my artistic and technical skills on my free time in order to continue to grow and harvest many different mediums to work more efficiently.
For full DMP resume please contact me or view my Linkedin profile.
To view the matte paintings I created in the industry please visit my MOVIE MAGIC tab here. For full breakdown of VFX shots please contact me.
Digital Matte Painting created by Karlie Carpentier Rosin for The Kitchen (2019)
▹Violent Night (2022)- Digital Matte Painting & Concept Art
▹Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)- Concept Art
▹Violent Night (2022)- Digital Matte Painting, Concept Art
▹DC League of Super Pets (2022)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Mitchells v The Machines (2020)- Digital Matte Painting
▹AMC’s The Terror Season 2: Infamy (2019)- Digital Matte Painting
▹The Kitchen (2019)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Ford v Ferrari (2019)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Godzilla 2 : King of the Monsters (2019)- Digital Matte Painting & Concept Art
▹Wrinkle In Time (2018)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Justice League (2017)- Digital Matte Painting & Concept Art
▹The Mummy (2017)- Digital Matte Painting & Concept Art
▹Fantastic Beasts (2016)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Sully (2016)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Suicide Squad (2016)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Race (2016) – Digital Matte Painting
▹Versailles Series Season 1 (2015) – Digital Matte Painting
▹Fallen (2016)- Digital Matte Painting
▹Outcast (2015) – Digital Matte Painting
▹Shadows of Mordor (2014) – Compositing
Karlie Carpentier Rosin also paints with traditional mediums such as acrylic paints.